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A documentary film chronicling a family's grapple with death and
a mother’s determination to get to the truth of the matter.

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Teleah Moore


The Son We Lost


Director's Statement:

This film was personal and frightening. For the last nine years, grief has consumed me in ways I had been unwilling to admit. Yet, I chose to tell this story as a mother first and filmmaker, second. At times, it grew challenging for me and I found myself having to stop to catch my breath, especially when my younger sons spoke with candor about the day they lost their 16-year-old brother. I had to withhold my emotions for awhile or else I would have not been able to deliver this message. In each new passing day, came a greater understanding and it was to present this story in a way that would educate and empower. Over the years, I've spoken to countless number of parents who have suffered the tragedy of losing a child and there is a commonality we share regardless of where we come from. Life goes on, but the pain of losing a child never goes away. We relive the event on every birthday and on the anniversary date of our child's death. It's challenged me to not take what has happened to my family as if this was God's plan. I refuse to accept the blow of death as if it won the battle and I had lost. As I work tirelessly to improve the lives and survival chances of young athletes like my son, I understand that it will require change in the hearts and minds of the policymakers of our country followed by practical application of those serving in the medical field in partnership with young athletes and their families. Until then, my advocacy work continues. As the director of The Son We Lost, creatively, I pray I did my best to educate others.

For more information about the documentary or distribution opportunities, please contact us.

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